fitting first. buy second.
The first step to your most comfortable pedal stroke is knowing your numbers.
Not all bikes are equal. From seat tube angle, stack, frame reach, saddle type and setback, deadspot scoring, cleat placement and - importantly - form, we offer the state’s premier bike fitting and analysis service, performed by Coach Will as he has done for countless pros and amateurs alike all over the world.
This comprehensive service will take an afternoon of your time. Please call us at the shop to schedule an appointment.
retrofitting: when you already have a bike.
You bought a bike already and are experience various symptoms from hand numbness? Saddle sore? Pins & needles at your feet?
We take the guesswork out of it. No, we do not stand back and make declarations about your form. We discover together with dynamic bike fitting creating real time, objective, repeatable and comparable adjustments. This is not about opinion. This is technique. This is design. This is performance.